Malibuu Studios

Malibuu Studios

Where passion meets precision in crafting exceptional audio experiences.


  • Embark on a sonic journey with our integrated services. From crafting custom beats that resonate with your unique style to recording vocals and instruments with precision, and finally, entrust us with the expert mixing that elevates your sound to professional heights.

  • Vocal Tracking Workshops: Immerse yourself in the art of recording vocals with hands-on sessions.

    Song Creation Classes: Master the process of bringing your musical ideas to life.

    Advanced Mixing Techniques: Explore the intricacies of mixing for a truly professional sound.

  • Make your mark in the commercial and TV world with our specialized audio services. From enhancing commercials to perfecting TV audio, we tailor our expertise to meet the demands of these dynamic mediums, delivering audio that resonates with your audience.

  • Revitalize your old recordings or correct imperfections with our Audio Restoration and Enhancement service. Our skilled audio engineers utilize advanced techniques to breathe new life into your audio archives, ensuring clarity, richness, and an enhanced listening experience. Whether it's vintage recordings, demos, or cherished memories, let us bring out the best in your audio content.

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It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea.

It all begins with an idea.

Music that stands out.

It all begins with an idea. Whether you're aspiring to launch your music career, transform a musical hobby into something extraordinary, or share your creative projects with the world, how you shape and present your story online can be the key difference-maker. At Malibuu Studios, we're here to help you amplify your musical narrative and make it resonate powerfully.

Meet Tony Malibuu,

Based out of Central New Jersey, Tony Malibuu is a seasoned music professional with years of experience in the industry. His musical journey began under the guidance of his mentor, Mike Morello, where he honed his craft and cultivated his passion for music production.

With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, Tony specializes in creating captivating audio experiences. Proficient in Pro Tools and armed with industry-standard plugins, he meticulously crafts and refines each musical piece to ensure the highest quality output.

Tony Malibuu's dedication to delivering exceptional audio quality and his unwavering commitment to his craft make him a sought-after engineer in the industry. His unique blend of skills and creativity shines through in every project he undertakes, setting him apart as a driving force in the world of music production.